WBK Industry News - Federal Regulatory Developments

FTC Workshop on Amendments to Safeguards Rule Scheduled for May 13, 2020

The FTC will seek input including research and testimony on the proposed changes to the Safeguards Rule under Gramm-Leach-Bliley in a public workshop scheduled for May 13, 2020, in Washington, DC.  The FTC proposed amendments to the Safeguards Rule and sought public comments in 2019.  WBK covered those previous developments here

Workshop topics will include price models for specific elements of information security programs; standards for security in various industries; the availability of third party information security services aimed at different sized institutions; information about penetration and vulnerability testing; and the costs of and possible alternatives to encryption and multifactor authentication.

Additional public comments on these topics may be submitted until June 12, 2020, in accordance with notice instructions that will soon be published in the Federal Register.