WBK Industry News - Federal Regulatory Developments

CFPB Releases New HMDA Webinar and Updates Existing Webinars

The CFPB recently updated the webinars published on its website by adding a new one on certain data points that were not previously addressed by prior HMDA webinars and making updates to existing HMDA webinars to reflect subsequent statutory and regulatory changes.

The new HMDA webinar provides an overview of various data points not covered in the CFPB’s first and second HMDA webinars, including those related to certain application or covered loan features, pricing information, property features, and transaction indicators. 

In addition, the CFPB updated its previous two webinars to reflect amendments to HMDA made by the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, and the CFPB’s related final rule issued in August 2018.  For each webinar, the CFPB also now provides a copy of the presentation’s transcript and slides.