WBK Industry News - Federal Regulatory Developments

BCFP Releases HMDA 2019 Filing Instructions Guide

The BCFP recently released the 2019 Filing Instructions Guide (FIG), a technical resource designed to help financial institutions properly file HMDA data that is collected in 2019 and reported to the BCFP in 2020. Among other things, the 2019 FIG provides: (1) a summary of the changes made to the submission process for filing HMDA data collected in 2019 with the BCFP; (2) file specification information, including valid values, how to format a financial institution’s Loan/Application Register (LAR), and how to file HMDA data collected in 2019 with the BCFP; (3) instructions for what to enter into each data field in the LAR, accounting for the recently implemented partial exemption for certain entities; and (4) the edits that financial institutions must run on HMDA data before filing it with the BCFP.

Note that financial institutions should use the 2018 version of the FIG for HMDA data collected in 2018 and reported in 2019.

The 2019 FIG is available here, and related HMDA filing resources can be found here.